Become a Monthly Sponsor of a Dog in Bali
How Sponsorships Work
When you sponsor a dog under our care, you are helping to pay for them to live a wonderful life. All of our animals are rescues and would not be here without your support. These are just a handful of the 100+ dogs in our care monthly, but you can see the need is great for sponsors, from adults to newborn puppies to disabled to dog meat survivors. Sponsorships help us to pay for food, vaccinations, medicine, electricity, rent and staff costs – all of which are essential parts of running our Care Center.

Name: Birdie
Age: 5 months
Breed: Pom x Bali Dog (mix)
Birdie was found zooming up and down the highway faster than Ebony could catch her! After a handful of near death moments for both of them Ebony finally saved her but quickly realized Birdie’s eyes seem to be partially blind. She will need a special home that understands her partial blindness can become full blindness in her early years. Just look at that beautiful innocent face!

Name: Brandy
Age: 2 years
Breed: Pom x Bali Dog (mix)
Brandy was found shivering and shaking on the side of a road, scared of everything around her. We soon found out she was thrown away most likely due to her health failing, she has kidney failure. But we knew that wasn’t the end for Brandy, she has fought to recover and shown great progress! Brandy is one of the funniest, animated, goofy dogs in the house and we adore her!

Name: Cruizer
Age: 2.5 years
Breed: Terrier x Bali Dog
Found in the mud in a drain at just a few days old, Cruiser was raised at our Crazy Doggy House on the bottle and fought hard to survive. As he grew he got dopier and fluffier as well as a whole lot bigger & taller! He is unable to be adopted due to ongoing health issues he developed most likely from being ripped from his mother at a young age, so he needs a monthly sponsor.

Name: Lora
Age: 4 years
Breed: Bali Dog (mix)
Found on New Years Eve 2020, Lora was trapped in a snare, set by dog meat catchers. The wire cut so deep into her flesh that her front leg was just hanging on by a thread. We managed to rescue her in time and now she lives at our care centre. Adults like Lora are difficult to rehome.

Name: Gloria
Age: 4 years
Breed: Mixed Bali Dog
Dumped heavily pregnant, almost bald and with head trauma – most likely from abuse. Due to her skin condition healing in a not so perfect way and together with her brain damage that causes her to be extra emotional and excitable, she is difficult to find the perfect home for so she will stay with us until then.

Name: Sophie
Age: 1.5 months old
Breed: Bali Dog
Some of the hardest days are when puppies are found thrown away like little Sophia was. She was found by a tourist passing by and quickly scooped her up as no other scooter or car was stopping to help her. Sophie is a tiny but energetic little pup who has stolen our hearts with that cute smile of hers!

Name: Betty
Age: 2.5 years
Breed: Bali Dog
We rescued Betty when she was heavily pregnant at a market and so skinny we had no idea she had 7 puppies in her. When she gave birth prematurely
only one survived sadly. We soon realized that something still wasn’t right with Betty and found out she had TVT cancer. She gets her chemo treatment at our house where she feels the most comfortable and relaxed with us.

Name: Brody
Age: 2 years
Breed: Kintamani
Brody, shot twice and paralyzed, was first found on the street by someone who took him to the vet for treatment but decided they didn’t want to spend more money so they dumped him back to where they found him! We had to Re-rescue this poor boy and finally get him the care and love he truly deserved! He’s doing daily physio and learning to walk in a wheelchair in our Care Center.

Name: Cookie
Age: 10 years
Breed: Shih Tzu mix
Cookie was found dumped and thrown away on a local beach, probably due to her blindness, failing kidneys and heart problems. She’s been on a roller coaster of recovery but she is full of life and our little demanding Cookie Monster. Her vet visits are always rewarded with daily playing and being silly with us. We know this is her retirement home and we will keep her happy forever.

Name: Pringles
Age: 6 years
Breed: Pomeranian
Pringles was dumped at a local cemetery with no hair and a badly broken leg. It was soon discovered that she had a heart issue as well which would prevent the vets from preforming surgery safely. Her leg healed fairly well but due to her heart issue she will be on life long medicine, which means finding a home here is difficult. Lucky for us that means we get all the Pringle cuddles forever!

Name: Petal
Age: 3 years
Breed: Poodle mix
Petal was thrown away in a cemetery with her dying little puppy. Petal was bald and in horrible condition. Amazingly her and her little pup survived but her eyes did not recover from her severe illness and infections, therefore leaving her almost completely blind. Her fluffy booty knows how to find the food in the house though! If you want to be smothered in fluff then Petal is your girl!

Name: Samantha
Age: 1.5 years
Breed: Kintamani
Samantha was found on a beach known for dog meat catchers. We quickly realized she was dumped and had given birth but her puppies were nowhere to be found. She was still heavily lactating so we took the chance and brought her home to mother a litter of pups that had just been rescued the day before. She’s one of the funniest dogs you’ll ever meet and we absolutely love her.

Name: Rocky
Age: 5 years
Breed: Pom mix
Rocky was rushed to us one very late night when she had given birth to 10 puppies and they were all dying fast. Rocky was so suspicious of everyone and grieving her pups passing away. One little strong pup survived and Rocky finally knew we were there to show them both the love they needed. We soon discovered that she had kidney issues that would require life long meds that most families here can’t afford. So Rocky is a forever dog here and we are the lucky ones to have her!

Name: Giselle
Age: 3.5 years
Breed: Pom x Bali Dog mix
Giselle has a long story but let me start by saying this girl is one of the strongest we have ever known. She survived one of the worst distemper cases to then sadly began having grand Mal seizures daily. She has suffered but has not shown anyone that she is giving up on life. Her seizures are under control for now and her quirks, like having the most spot on internal alarm clock keep us smiling everyday. Giselle is one of the most special rescues we have and grateful to anyone who helps sponsor her.

Name: Mama
Age: 2.5 years
Breed: Corgi x Bali Dog mix
Mama and her baby Willow were dumped in a cardboard box outside a shop and no one would help. We rushed there as the days were so hot and we knew they would be in trouble or thrown away again! Mama was the silliest as a mother dog to her baby Willow and never once showed any fear or trauma. When she was spayed we realized she had blood parasite and has been treated for that successfully so now we have a waiting period before we search for her forever home.

Name: Mumba
Age: 2.5 years
Breed: Bali Dog
We happened upon Mumba when we went to a local beach to check on other dogs who had been recently dumped. She was the sweetest pregnant momma as she came running up to get some food and a cuddle. We followed her up the beach and she had already started to dig a big hole as a nest, hinting that she was ready to give birth! She was super happy to come home with us to the maternity ward and she had 6 healthy pups! We are looking for a sponsor and soon a forever home for this beautiful Bali Dog.

Name: Jet
Age: 2.5 years
Breed: Bali Dog
Jet was dumped on the highway as a young adult with a long blue rope tied around his neck that had been used to hurl him from a moving vehicle, clearly no longer loved by his family. Scared, alone, extremely underweight and positive Distemper, it took 45 min on the highway to finally coax him close enough to catch. He had a long road to recovery but now he’s a very chill, loving, loyal and handsome boy! He’s now waiting for his perfect forever home but in the meantime looking for a monthly sponsor!

Name: Peanut
Age: 1.5 months
Breed: Bali Dog
Peanut’s life began like so many puppies born here…ripped from their mother and thrown away to survive on their own at 1 month old. But she had 2 angels looking out for her one day when tourists found her and stopped their entire vacation plans to make sure she was in our care! They knew her only chance of survival was if they got her to us asap. Peanut had some trauma to her back and legs but the vets can’t diagnose what it is yet, however there is no slowing down this nugget from playing all day long!!

Name: Sandy
Age: 9 years
Breed: Chihuahua x Bali Dog mix
Sandy would’ve once been a loved family pet. Somehow she ended up in the hands of a hoarder and spent many years of her life cramped in a small cage that she was barely able to move in. Sandy was part of a mass rescue from the hoarders house and took quite awhile to come out of her shell and show her personality. Now anyone who meets this little old lady easily mistakes her for a young puppy! She’s so bouncy, playful and absolutely loves her cage free life! Due to her age, it’s difficult to find Sandy a forever home so she’ll stay with us unless the perfect retirement home comes along.

Name: Raine
Age: 4 years
Breed: Bali Dog
We ended up rescuing Raine, and many dogs from the same home, after it was reported their owner was critically ill in hospital and was no longer able to care for them. Raine is a beautiful boisterous big Bali girl who always wants to be part of the action! She has been a constant joy to have and the staff all adore her, but despite being a perfect candidate for adoption, sadly no one has chosen Raine yet. That won’t stop us from looking for the perfect home while she lives in one of our safehouses until then. Sponsoring Raine will help us cover her food costs and many toys that she loves to run around with everyday!

Name: Laurie
Age: 4 years
Breed: Bali Dog
Laurie was found on the side of a dangerous highway when we were driving back home from over an hour away. He was just 4 weeks old, barely able to stand anymore. Even though he was close to a farmer, the man said he wasn’t his and we needed to take him so he wouldn’t die. We know so many puppies have gone through this every day here and that day we knew this puppy was going to have his life changed. He was in a long term foster home, which he loved so much but sadly they left during the pandemic and now Laurie desperately needs a sponsor while we find his final forever home.

Name: Sasha
Age: 2 years
Breed: Bali Dog
Sahsa was hit on the highway, left paralyzed and screaming in pain. We rushed to pick her up and get her to emergency care immediately. Miraculously she had no broken bones but her body was in shock and would take a couple months of physical therapy, acupuncture and lots of love to get her back on her feet again. She is still a little wobbly on her feet but ongoing care will get her running like normal again soon. She is in our safe house and needs a sponsor to help cover her physical therapy costs and care.