Become a Monthly Sponsor of a Dog in Bali

How Sponsorships Work

When you sponsor a dog under our care, you are helping to pay for them to live a wonderful life. All of our animals are rescues and would not be here without your support. These are just a handful of the 100+ dogs in our care monthly, but you can see the need is great for sponsors, from adults to newborn puppies to disabled to dog meat survivors. Sponsorships help us to pay for food, vaccinations, medicine, electricity, rent and staff costs – all of which are essential parts of running our Care Center.

Set Up a Monthly Sponsorship Here
Sponsor Birdie
Sponsor Brandy
Sponsor Cruizer
Sponsor Lora
Sponsor Gloria
Sponsor Sophie
Sponsor Betty
Sponsor Brody
Sponsor Cookie
Sponsor Pringles
Sponsor Petal
Sponsor Samantha
Sponsor Rocky
Sponsor Giselle
Sponsor Mama
Sponsor Mumba
Sponsor Jet
Sponsor Peanut
Sponsor Sandy
Sponsor Raine
Sponsor Laurie
Sponsor Sasha